

The China Watermelon Museum is the first specialized museum to focus on China’s ancient melon culture. Shaped like a huge watermelon set off by two large green leaves, the museum’s architecture is uniquely eye-catching.

Inside the museum vividly displays the history of watermelon cultivation, varieties of watermelon, and watermelon culture. The outdoor exhibition area of the museum has several dozen valuable watermelon varieties growing there.

The museum has receive...


Today, I'm going to visit Wenzhou Museum. First of all, I went to the animal class. Just after I got there, I saw many animals, including tigers, cute cubs and terrible crocodiles. Seeing so many animals, I seemed to come to the animal world.

Next, I went to fish again. When you enter here, you will find that the ground, ceiling and wall are all blue. There are small fish, sharks and shells in them. The shells are the most beautiful, big, small and strange, dazzling.


         The 9.18 Historical Museum (九一八历史博物馆)is located at No 46 Wanghua Nan Street, Dadong district, Shenyang. 

         Using audio-visual media and numerous exhibition pieces, the museum documents the "18th of September Incident" of 1931 when Japanese forces attacked Shenyang. It was listed as a national 4A tourist attraction in 2002.


America computer museum is full of exciting computers. you can go there to find new technology.


The Chengdu Natural History Museum has been opened to the public for some time! If you have not been to it, don't worry. Today, you will have a "cloud visit" with us first. Take our guidelines, and you will know what to look for in the exhibition!

The Chengdu Natural History Museum covers a total construction area of 50,520 square metres, including a total exhibition area of about 17,000 square metres. It displays the contents related to geological processes and environment, natural disasters and disaster prevention and reduction, mineral resources and protection and utilization, the origin and evolution of life, and biodiversity, etc. At present, the museum has nearly 70,000 collections and about 10,000 exhibits on display.

       At the gate of the museum, the first thing that heaves into sight is the unique exterior of the building, which is like a huge "stone mountain" rising from the ground. Through the transparent glass curtain wall, you can also see six pterosaurs in different shapes "soaring".








1. "The First Emperor's Terracotta Army" - 这是一组中国古代帝王秦始皇陵的陪葬品,由陶土制成,包括士兵、马、车等各种形象。

2. "The Bronze Ware of the Western Han Dynasty" - 这是一组西汉时期的青铜器,包括鼎、壶、爵等。

3. "The Ming Dynasty Ceramics" - 这是一组明朝时期的陶瓷制品,包括碗、盘、罐等。

4. "The Treasure of the Three Kingdoms" - 这是一组三国时期的文物,包括玉器、青铜器和陶器等。

5. "The Dunhuang Mogao Caves" - 这是一组敦煌莫高窟中的文物,包括壁画、佛像、经书等。

6. "The Ming Dynasty Ceramics" - 这是一组明朝时期的陶瓷制品,包括碗、盘、罐等。

7. "The Treasure of the Three Kingdoms" - 这是一组三国时期的文物,包括玉器、青铜器和陶器等。

8. "The Dunhuang Mogao Caves" - 这是一组敦煌莫高窟中的文物,包括壁画、佛像、经书等。

9. "The Bronze Ware of the Western Han Dynasty" - 这是一组西汉时期的青铜器,包括鼎、壶、爵等。

10. "The First Emperor's Terracotta Army" - 这是一组中国古代帝王秦始皇陵的陪葬品


如今,随着人们对历史的热情日益高涨,历史科普博物馆成为了很多人重要的文化消费场所。在这些博物馆中,我们可以通过丰富多样的展品、展览和活动,深入了解过去的故事和文明的发展。那么,今天我们就来介绍一下一些值得一游的历史科普博物馆。不仅让你拓宽眼界,还能提升你的英语水平。 首先,让我们来介绍一下位于中国首都北京的**中国国家博物馆**。作为中国最大的博物馆之一,这座博物馆不仅收藏着丰富的中国文物和历史文化遗产,还向世界展示了中华民族的悠久历史和丰富多彩的文化传统。博物馆中的展品涵盖了从古代文明到现代历史的各个方面,包括青铜器、陶瓷、绘画、书法等等。除了展品展览,这座博物馆还举办了许多有关中国历史和文化的讲座和学术活动,为广大游客提供了学习和了解中国历史的重要场所。 如果你对古希腊文明着迷,那么位于希腊雅典的**希腊国家考古博物馆**将是一个绝佳的选择。这座博物馆是全球最重要的考古博物馆之一,收藏了大量来自古希腊各个时期的文物和艺术品。当你步入这座博物馆,仿佛穿越时空,置身于古希腊的繁荣时代。这里展出了许多著名的艺术品,例如著名的阿努比斯雕像和帕提农神庙的石柱。此外,博物馆还展示了希腊文化和历史的发展,使游客能够更好地理解古希腊的伟大成就。 在意大利的罗马,你将能够找到**罗马国家博物馆**,这座博物馆位于罗马的战胜之门,是一座以罗马帝国历史为主题的博物馆。博物馆的展品包括了大量的艺术品、雕塑和建筑碎片,这些都是古罗马时期的珍贵遗产。博物馆的馆藏品将带你了解古罗马帝国的兴衰历程,感受古罗马的文明和辉煌。无论你是对罗马历史感兴趣还是对古代艺术有热情,这座博物馆都将成为你的理想之选。 对于那些想要更深入了解世界历史的人来说,**英国大英博物馆**是一个绝对不能错过的地方。这座位于伦敦的博物馆是世界上最大的历史和文化博物馆之一。它收藏了来自全球各个时期的文物和艺术品,包括古埃及的木乃伊、希腊的雕像、中国的陶瓷等。博物馆通过展品的展示和解释,为游客提供了一个全方位、跨文化的历史体验。在这里,你可以从不同角度了解人类文明的发展和各个文化的特点。此外,博物馆还经常举办学术研讨会和公众讲座,让游客有机会深入了解藏品背后的历史和文化。 了解历史的同时,提升英语水平也是很重要的。在这些博物馆参观时,你可以通过导览、展览标签以及博物馆官方网站上的相关信息来学习和使用英语。通过与其他游客交流或参加博物馆活动,你也有机会锻炼自己的英语口语能力。此外,许多博物馆都提供有关展品历史和文化背景的英语导览,这将帮助你更好地理解展品的内涵和历史意义。 参观历史科普博物馆是一次充满文化与知识的旅程。通过了解世界各地的历史和文化,我们能够拓宽视野、增长见识,并从中汲取人类智慧的结晶。无论你是历史爱好者、文化追寻者还是语言学习者,这些博物馆都会为你带来无尽的惊喜和收获。不妨利用你的假期时间,走进历史的殿堂,开启一段充满启发和学习的旅程吧!





Shiyan Museum, Hubei Province, China


During a long vacation,I usually like to go to see the exhibits in one of a great many museums.Such as the art museum,the history museum,the museum of natural history,and the museum of science and technology.Many wonderful things are cared for in museums.There are paintings,potteries,sculptures,costumes,swords,ancient animal bones and plants,stuffed animals,antique steam locomotives,and many others.It is always a good review of history to visit those museums.Museums are cool places,too.